A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Propositions of the Church of Boston1
First Church in Boston


Fyve propositions giuen by some of the Brethren of Boston to some of the Brethren of Newtowne at a Conference betwixt them at Boston

1. That there is no saveing worke of preparation vppon the soule before Reall vnion with Christ, but such as Hypocrits may reach vnto. Joh. 15.5.

2. That in the Act of Justification Faith is not Active but Receptiue. Joh. 1.12. Rom. 4.4.5.

3. Though the soule be convinced by Reason of the worke of God in him, yet it is no sin vnto him vppon that ground not to beleeve: Hab. 2.4. Heb: 11.1.

4. The soule must first see his person accepted in Justification before he can conclude the truth of his Sanctification, Rom. 3.25. Gen. 4.4.

5. The Spirit doth not vse any worke of Sanctification to perswade me by it of the truth of his testimonie. 1 Joh. 5.6.

These were given to them in writeing with consent of vs all. but those 15 which they charge vppon vs were not ours but theires; collected and framed in theire owne termes after we were parted; whereas it was our desire againe and againe when we were together to haue writ downe the differences betwixt them and vs that there might be no mistake, which they promised also to do at last and yet contrary to promise they departed away and refused to write, which we gladly would haue done. And yet afterward they forge these thinges which were not spoken by vs. Indeede some words repeated by them we did vse but not as they are expressed by them; and therefore we haue set downe our owne answer to those 15 propositions in our owne words. You may easily iudge what wrong we suffer when they haue left out all our fyve and instead therof haue 15 put vppon vs: and that these 15 should be carried and shewed to the magistrates and Comittees as Tenents of ours which are theire owne yow may iudg how brotherly and Christianly this is done by them.

1. We say that in our Real vnion with Christ, Christ doe apprehend vs first in order of nature, before we receiue him by faith.

2. The second we vtterly deny as being contrary to our constant professed Judgments.


3. Our Faith in Justification is not actiue but Receptiue as an earthen wall receiues an Arrow that sticks in it.

4. We deny that any of vs said, It is the only vse of the word to worke Faith: But that it doth worke Faith we said it was because God doth vse it as an ordinance.

5. We deny that any of vs said that Faith after Justification is only Receptiue; but we do acknowledge that it is as well receptiue of all that life which it doth convey to the acting of every spirituall worke after Justification as before Justification.

6. This was our true meaneinge: That the soule goeth not out in it owne strength to fetch fresh Supplies from Christ, but as it is acted by the Spirit of God inhabiting in the soule.

7. That the Soule must first see his person accepted in Justification before he can conclude the truth of his Sanctification.

8. Though the soule be convinced by Reason of the worke of God in himself yet it is no sin vnto him vppon that ground not to beleeue; but it is to beleeve vppon a promise of free Grace applyed vnto him by the word and Spirit of God.

9. We do not deny but the Lord hath Commanded the Soule to believe all Conditional promises: but that God hath not commanded vs to build our Justification vppon a Conditionall promise.

10. He that receiueth his first Comfort from a Conditionall promise, and rests thereon, God wil breake his confidence and Comfort if he saue him.

11. In the Covenant of Grace there is no condition required, but what Christ himself vndertaketh to performe for vs.

12. That the Covenant of Grace is made imediatly with Jesus Christ, and in him vnto his Church his mysticall body.

13. We say that a person may be in Christ as a branch in the vine, and may have Sanctification from the bloud of Christ and faith in the name of Christ (though not to receiue Christ) and yet fall away and be damned.

14. We said that Paul, Act. 23.1. Spake of his good conscience as well before his conversion as after (though there was a great difference of the goodnes of it) and if any man may plead right to a Conditionall promise by his Legal Righteousnes, Paul might much more before his conversion.

15. We deny that the only way to try the Spirit is by the Spirit, for we are also to try it by the word: but we sayd that the Immediat Revelation of the Spirit is not vppon any worke of God in vs: but in an absolut promise of free 326grace perswadeinge the soule of his interest in Christ, and that this is the infallible certaine evidence of our Justifyed estate.

Ca. December, 1636

Endorsed: Propositions of the Churches of Boston to those of Connecticut.2


W. 1. 121. The handwriting of this document has not been identified.


This endorsement is written in what appears to be an eighteenth-century hand. It seems more likely that this document is connected with the episode related by Winthrop in his Journal under date December, 1636 (1. 203–207; also printed in D.J.W. ), than with some episode in early Connecticut history.