A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

William Forth to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Forth, William Winthrop, John, Jr.


To the Woorshipfull his very Lovinge Cosene Mr. John Winthrop the younger giue thes in Nue Englande Per henerye Brygth
Cosinge Winthop,

vnto yow and to my good Cosinge yower wyffe I wishes all health and happenes in Christe Jeses I was verrye glayd to heare of yowr good health by this baere henerye Bright as all so that yow doo lick so well of that place wich god have Caleyd yow unto I am sorowefull to here that god have not it bleseyd yow with yowr Cheldren but I hope hee will in his good tyme untell wich tyme yow much wate with pachones his good will and plsuer. Sir I have in my handes A Deyde wich yower Father and granfather mayd of the landes in groten ware in they Convayde them vnto them selfe for tearme of lyfe and after a good parte of them vnto yow and to the ayres males wich landes as I heare sinces Ar solde ware for I woolde intret yow for to write vnto me weether I shall kepe the written or Deliuer it vnto mr. warene or to aynne other or I shall kepe it still and thus with my Dayle prayres vnto god 166for to prosper yow in that good woorcke wich yow haue be gonne I shall for ever Rest yower Lovinge Frend and skinmane to Command to my power

William Foorthe

I woold be glayd to heere often Frome yow and I asuer yow I wilbe all wayes Reyd for to Doo yow aynne ofese of loufe wich shall be in my power by my sellfe or by my frendes and thus I Doo Commete you unto the All-myghte yowers

William Foorthe Neyddellstyed this 20 Daye of Apryll 1634

W. 1. 106. William Forth of Nettlestead was the son of William Forth of Hadleigh, whose niece, Mary, was the mother of John Winthrop, Jr. The Henry Bright who was the bearer of this letter married the writer’s half-sister.