A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Downing, Emmanuel Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his verie louinge Nephew Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at Boston in the Mattachusetts Bay in New England these deliver giue these letters to Richard McAndrew
My good Cosen,

I haue written thrice to you since I had any passage thence, except those drowned lettres which came per Mr. Pierse by this shipp I sent your father ouer a furnace for breweinge or boylinge salt or sope etc. since the shippinge thereof I haue caused another to be made which Sir Richard Saltonstall hath bought on me, for the price I paid the workeman, but he should not haue had the same, had he not promised to send it to the plantation; which accordingly he hath done. nowe had I knowne the ship would haue stayed soe longe at Graues end I would haue assigned this to you and let him had the other; I haue promised Sir Richard you shall direct his man howe you shall vse it, which he needed not haue requested from me, for that I knowe you would most redily haue yeilded therevnto of your selfe; I shall desire much to heare that you doe hitt right in the vse of it; I haue seene 137the tryall of it here both with seacoale and Charcoales, therefore I doubt not but you will fall vpon the true practise of it.

Our frindes at Groton and Chensey are all well, our Bishop of London is made Bishop of Canterbury it is not yet knowne who shall be of London.

What Course you will take for your 100li due vnto you from my brother Painter, though I heare some tymes from him yet I heare not a worde of any such monie to be due vnto you. Tis longe since we heard from you soe desiring good news thence with my daylie prayers for you and yours with my loue to your selfe and your good wife I take leaue and rest Your louinge vncle

Em: Downinge The 13th of Aug: 1633

W. 2. 21; 4 Collections , VI. 41–42.