I Jno. Webber Master of the good Shipp called the Bachler of London, Being bound for the Massechusetts Bay in New England, doe acknowledge to haue Receaved into the sayd Shipp from Edward Hopkins of London Merchant these goodes following vizt. fowerteene piggs of lead, eighty Barrs Spanish Iron, fifty two Barrs English Iron, twenty hoggshedds of meale, fowerteene Barrells of pease, one Barrell of oatmeale, one barrell and six firkins of Butter fower hoggsheds and six Barrells of Iron ware one packe of Lynnen Cloth, one Bundle of Sythes, two Bundles of Spades and Shovells six grindstones, three Barrells of pitch, two Barrells of Tarr, two small Cables and other Cordage for Shallopps, fower Scrues and other loose Iron worke for Iron bridges with small packs of bedds, blanketts, and Ruggs.
All which goodes are to be delivered (the dangers of the Seas excepted) vnto Mr. Jno. Wintropp the younger or his Assignes, att Boston in the MasseĀ206chusetts Bay in New England: In wittnesse whereof I haue herevnto putt my hand the 17th of August 1635.
John Webber