A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Emmanuel Downing to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Downing, Emmanuel Winthrop, John, Jr.


My good Cosen,

Yours of the 24 of 8ber last I received, and doe hartily thank you for your relation of Connecticott, but you wrote not, where your selfe entend to setle.

For your Account the last yeare I laid for you as I then wrote 103li 1s 2d whereof I received last yeare of Dr. Reade 50li of my brother Gostlyn 2li more since of dr. Reade 50li. In all 102li. Soe there rests me vpon that account 1li 1s 2d.

For your tooles sent now by mr. Peirce, my brother Kirby had monie from me to pay for them, who I suppose sends you an account thereof, but I haue not yet received from him the particular charge thereof;

Mris. Peters when2 shee went into Holland, apoynted dr. Read to pay me 50li for you, but he now telleth, he cannot receive yt, soe I beleive your mother will take order for your satisfaction when shee retornes, whom I expect here this moneth.

Sir Mathew Boynton telleth me that he entends to pay 30li for you at Whitsontyde next.

For newes I referr you to mr. Peirce who knowes how all things goe here. Germanie is now become a most desolate wildernes; there be manie townes beawtifull for buildings but neither man woeman nor child in them; they fynd, as pass by, goodly and rich wanscott roomes, with tables Cubbards and bedsteads standing in them, which they burne, or sett an howse on fyre to dresse theire meate, and leave yt burning next day when they departe. the Country doth soe swarme with Ratts which goe in such troopes as would fright a man to meet them;

The Emperour the French King and King of Spayne are making great preparation for warrs each against the other The Sweades haue taken all Saxonie, the Duke is in a Castle beseidged by the Sweeds where tis thought, he cannot scape thus with my love to your selfe your good wife mr. Peters etc. I leave you and your affaires to the blessing of the Almighty and rest your assured loving vnkle

Em: Downinge 2 Martij 1636/37 367

you are to pay your Father W: 10s for the Currall which I putt into his account before I vnderstood yt was for you;


W. 2. 23; 4 Collections , VI. 44–45.


The word in the original manuscript is “went.”