A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

London Port Book Entries for the Seaflower 1
London Port


ijdo Aprilis 1634

In the Seaflower of London prd.

Jon: Winthorp etc. prd. xxvj hhds iiij barrels, v kilderkins vij firkins iij Chestes iiij trunckes of xv quarters wheat meale vj quarters mault iij quarters pease iij quarters oat meale ix firkins butter and sewet vj C wht Cheese xvj bushells salt ij hhds vinegar windowe glasse value xls Iron wares value xxvjli fishing instrumentes value viijli with bedding etc. for provision for the passengers absq. subss. etc. per lic. Regis.

Eodem ijdo Aprilis 1634

In le Seaflower of London prd.

Jon: Winthorpe Esquier governor etc. ij hhds iiij tte of iij C 1 ells nor-mandye canvas xj dozen loome worke quofies value xxxs ij C paire knit 161woollen xiij dozen Chilldrens woollen stockinges Cl Cotton and flannel wastcoates value xli lx Chilldrens wastcoates value xls ij dozen shirts and smockes value ls vij dozen shooes xlv dozen Irish stockings j barrell pitche j barrell tarr ij C wht tard Cordage for the plantation per lic. Regis.


Public Record Office; Proceedings , XLVII.182.