A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

London Port Book Entry for the Planter, the True Love, and the Elizabeth And Dorcas 1
London Port


Quinto Aprilis 1634

In the Planter of London Nico. Tracey master versus New England

John Winthorpe for prouision for the passengers iiij butts lxx hhds xxxiiij barrells xviij kilderkins lij firkins of xlvij quarters of wheate and meale xxiij quarters malt viij quarters oatmeale xvij quarters pease xlviij firkins butter xij firkins sewet xxiij C wht Cheese xxv gallons Civett oile viij hhds vinegar grocerye ware value liijli xlviij bushells salt xvj coarse blankets value iiij li Iron workes value xlli haberdashers wares value xxxli Crooked lane wares value iijli windowe glass value iijli xxviij dozen candles iiij C wht roughe lead Certain necessaries with houshould stuff and apparell per lic. R.

In le Planter prd.

Jon: Winthorpe etc. for prouision for the planters there xj hhds xvij chestes xvij trunckes xij tte of v dozen plaine felt hattes xviij lxxij ells Canvas xlv dozen shooes ij C xx paire knitt woollen stockings xxvj dozen Irishe stockings Iron workes value liijli Cl muskettes v barrell powder xl gallons Aqua vita x ps. Jeane Fustians iij C ells lockromes iiij barr. pitch and tarr iij C wht tard Cordage per lic. Regis.

In le Trewloue of London Jon: Gibbs master for New England.

Idem Jon: etc. xxiij heifers xxv quarters meale xij quarters pease xij chestes apparells vj firkins butter xij barr. oatmeale xxiij hhds mault iij tte xij troncks apparell ij hampers Iron wares and pewter xx quarters oates absq. subss. etc. per lic. Regis.

In le Elizabeth and Dorcas Anto: Watts master for New England.

Idem Jon: etc. j C hhds. of j C quarters meale lx hhds of xl quarters pease xx quarters oat meale in bag xij quarters pease in barr xxx firkins butter xiiij firkins nailes x firkins vinegar xxj chestes apparell beddinge and stone wares viij Rundletts vinegar v Rundletts oile iiij Rundletts of 162iiij C wht sugar x cases of lx gallons stronge waters iiij bundles sawes j butt sacke xij tronckes apparell and worne linnen vij quarters mault vj C wht lead wrought j bundle shouells spades and spittes ij mill stones xxxv C wht wrought Iron three grindlestones xxxij heifers xj mares and Colts x goates 1 quarters oates iiij quarters mault iiij bundles bedding j tte of j C paire knitt woollen hose ij packes made clothes and bookes vj trunckes apparell and bookes for prouision for the passengers absq. subss. per lic. Regis.


Public Record Office; Proceedings , xlvii. 182–183.