A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

London Port Book Entry for the Elizabeth, the Jonas, and the Seaflower 1
London Port


xxxjmo Martij 1634

In le Elizabeth of London for New England.

John Winthorpe Esquier etc. prd. xxv hhds vij barrells v killderkins viij firkins iiij Chestes iij Hd. of viij quarters wheate meale iiij quarters mault iij quarters pease xij bushells oatmeale viij firkins butter and sewet vj C et d1 Cheese ij hhds vinegar Grocerye wares value 1s Iron workes value 1li houshold stuffe, apparell for prouision of passengers going thether absq. subss. etc. per lic. Regis.

In le Jonas of London for New England.

Idem Jon: etc. lvj heifers viij mares lx quarters oates iiij quarters mault v barrells pease of iiij quarters per lic. Regis.

In the Seaflower of London Henrie Morgan master for New England.

Idem Jon: etc. prd. xviij Colts xv heifers lx quarters oates xj quarters mault xj quarters barley for prouision of the men and Cattle by the waye. per lic. Regis.


Public Record Office; Proceedings , xlvii. 181–182.