A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Thomas Taylor to John Winthrop1
Taylor, Thomas Wintrhop, John


To the Woorshipfull John Wainthropp Esquire deliver in New england per my good frind Mr. George Cleiue: whom God preserue
Bristoll the 25th Mrch: 1637 Worthie Sir,

After my due Respects premised I made bold allthough vnacquainted, to addrese thes few lines vnto yow: which are to giue your Woorshipp to vnderstand that about one yeare since I sent my sonn Humphrie Tayler from london ouer into New england and furnished hem with such necessaries as was then needfull and paid his passage and haue sithence sent hem ouer more for supplye as by the Invoice which my good frind Mr. George Cleive will shew vnto yow may appeare: it notwithstanding all which my sonn doth continuallie pas bills of exchandge vppon me for seuerall soms of monie: how he liueth to spend so much monie I know not: for he neither sendeth me anie accounts nor Returns: and I do much feare that if he showld continew that Cours he would be a means of my vndoing: for prevencion wherof hearing of your good worth and good gouerment in that Countrie haue presumed to make bolde to authorize yow together with Mr. Jno: Humphry and Mr. Cleiue to take such Cours with my sonn for the getting of such goods he hath left into your hands as yow shall find fitt: wherin I humblie craue your best aide and assistance and that yow wilbe pleased amongst yow to dispose therof as it shall seeme best vnto yow for my benefitt: and also to dispose of my sonn as yow shall thinke best the which I will indeavor to requite to the vtmost of my power. I thowght fitt to name Mr. Cleiue in the letter of Attornie because he was heare present and by his aduise made bold with yow also I craue pardon for my boldnes and leaue all to your dew Consideracion and humblie take my leaue resting Your Worships to be comanded

Tho: Tayler

W. 4. 85; 5 Collections , I. 239–240.