A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Howes, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his worthy frind Mr. John Winthrop the yonger at Boston in Mattachusetts Bay or else where these deliver in N: England

Salus in Salvatore nostro

Optatissime Amice optime,

I cannot but vpon all occasions salute you with myne indeared Loue and respects; these lettres from mr. Arkisden I receiued very lately I was affraid they would haue bin left behind. accordinge to your appoyntment and vpon my desire, I thought good to entreate you to acquaint me with some particulars of your Contrie; vizt. howe farre into the Contrie your planters haue discouered, 2 what riuers, Lakes, or saltwaters westward, 3 howe farre you are from Hudsons Riuer and from Canada by land, 4 what are the most vsefull comodities to send ouer to traffick with ThIndians, or amonge your selues; 5 what kind of English graine thriues with you and what not; and what other thinge you please; daringe not to trespasse any farther upon your gentle disposicion, only be pleased to send a map or some discription of your land discoueries. For you know well the cause of my desire to know New England and all the new world, and alsoe to be knowne there, yet not I but Christ, in whome I liue and moue and haue my beinge. My master hath sent my most honored frind your father, a sword in a walkinge staffe which he forgatt to mention in his letter. Mr. Winslowe hath it; whoe I doubt not will deliuer it. Thus concludinge with our last and freshest newes here inclosed which my mrs. sends to your father I take my leaue to rest Yours and euer yours

E. Howes 26° Martij 1631 1632

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr.: Edw. Howes recd. Jun: 1632.


W. 1. 84, 3 Collections , ix. 242.