A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Thomas Ashley to John Winthrop1
Ashley, Thomas Wintrhop, John


To my worthy and much respected frend Mr. John Winthrope the Elder in new England whome God preserve
Worthy Sir,

if this Missive safely arryve att Winthropin itt wyll fall vpon a fortune thatt I wyll nott envye; and yett shall I have an happinesse, thatt I much desire; for then wyll ytt faithfully present yow and your selfe with myne harty Salutations. some happy occurrences have acquainted mee with your well-being, and I should rejoyce to bee certayne of your safe-being: for my feares conclude the Salvages dilligent to sute an opportunytye to their Natures. I am as sorry to heare many reportes blemyshe the hopes of your plantation, as I am pleased to bee wytnesse of severall desires to place yow att Grotton; and had I the casting vote, yow should bee there againe, without being sea-sicke; did I suppose yow would ether bee served here, or would bee served by mee, yow should have a warrant Dormant, vnder myne hand and seale to commaund mee, butt in regard thatt the first stand out of all probabyllytye, ceremonious offers shall nott crowd into this manuscript. I doubt nott, but thatt yow sing the Songes of Syon in a strange land, and thatt yow have brought forth thatt Peace yow travaild with, which I wyshe multyplyed to yow, to the height of all comforte; lett our mutuall prayers meete att the throne of grace; and so in confidence that no Gulphe shall parte vs, when wee must departe, I wyll rest, tyll my long Rest Sir Your truly loving frend

Tho: Ashley March the 6th 1632/33

Suffolk County Court Files, No. 5.