A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Boynton, Matthew Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my uerie worthy friend John Winthorpe the yonger esqr: att Ipswidge present this

I haue now accordinge to my former intendment sent ouer two seruants tenn Ewe sheepe and a Ramm. I haue directed them to your father because, I suppose, you will be eare this, att Connecticutt. Twentie Goates I haue alsoe sent with them and a Bucke: I haue written to your Father to entreate him that they may be conueyd to Ipswidge, as soon as they may conuenientlie be remooued without dainger, because I perceyue by your letter that the Cattle are theyr: Sir you know what neede theyr is that seruants should haue eyes ouer them espetiallie when they are att soe far a distance from theyr maister, tho I hope the menn be honest, yett I pray you that you hauinge occasion your selfe to be absent, you will be pleased to intreate somm Friends of yours att Ipswidge that they will both aduise them and examine them and direct them. I pray you lett me haue notice from you of what you shall conceyue shall be expedient for me to send ouer for my prouision: I would be glad to heare from you as often as you cann, and how you like of the Contry aboute Connetticutt, and how our businesses goe on theyr. I writt to you by the first shipps that went from hence this yeare, that I intended by all meanes to preserue the increase of my cattle and now I haue for that purpose sent ouer these seruants: I intend (God willinge) to send ouer by the next Shipps that comm twentie Goates more, which I haue alreddie bought, and would haue sent them now, if I could haue gotten them caryed as I was promissed, butt after disappoynted: I haue noe more to say, butt to giue you hartie thanks for all your loue and kindness which shall euer deepelie engage Your trewlie louinge and assured friend

Matt. Boynton London: From Pauls Allie in Red Cross streete Aprill 8th 1636

W. 3. 40; 4 Collections , VII. 164–165.