A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Boynton, Matthew Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my uerie worthy friend John Winthorpe the yonger Esq: giue this in New England

I haue none, upon whom I cann relye, butt your selfe, beeinge, as you know, a strainger in your Contry and to those that are theyr. I ame theyrfor the more bould to entreate your helpe, which I hope you will nott onelie pardon, knowinge how I ame necessitated theyrunto; butt alsoe that you will be pleased to afford me your best assistance, my businesses now increasinge, both in regard of stocke, which I haue now sent ouer, and of seruants, as alsoe of the good increase (I hope) of those Cattle which I had before: and theyrfor itt beeing soe, as I suppose, that somm other occasions haue, eare this, required your remoouinge to Connetticutt, soe that I cannott hope for the benefitt of your owne eye upon my seruants, to whose trust alone itt is uerie daingerous committinge soe great a charge: for experience tells me that seruants (tho of the best sorte) will neglect, or lett slipp manie aduantages for theyr masters profitt, if they be nott somm times called upon, and except they know that theyr doeings are obserued, by those that haue authoritie to call them to accompt: theyrfor Sir I intreate you earnestlie, that you will be pleased to interest somm friends of yours (in what place you shall thinke fitt, that the Cattle and other stocke of sheepe and Goates shall remaine) that are both able to direct and such as you may be assured will be carefull to obserue and rectifie what they shall see att anie time to be amiss: els, I know, I shall sustaine much loss; and discouragement from future aduenturing: butt I ame uerie confident of your helpe herein, hauinge alreddie had good testimonie of itt: for which I desire I may haue anie occasion whereby I may express the trew thankfulness which is reallie acknowledged to you by Your euer assured friend

Matt. Boynton London: From Pauls Allie in Red Cross streete Aprill 13th 1636

I haue sent by this Shipp 23 Goates and two seruants.


W. 3. 41; 4 Collections , VII. 166–167.