A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

George Fenwick to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Fenwick, George Vane, Henry Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his much respected freind Mr. John Winthrope, Gouernor, at the mouth of the Riuer of Conecticute thes

I will not now spend tyme to tell yow how well your freindes in England take your care and paines in ther occasions. I hope ere longe to doe it by mouth. I arriued heare thre dayes agoe, where I shall rest myselfe awhile 262and then intend to take my iourney towardes yow, and soe to goe one further in discouering the countrie accordinge to your aduice who I vnderstand by your letter to Mr. Vane now gouernour hath mad the largest and furthest inquirie your selfe. in the meane tyme I would intreat yow to goe one with the worke yow haue in hand in as frugall a way as can stande with securinge the place, and for the intimation yow giue of your vncertaintye of continuance, if it can stand with your owne occasions it wilbe much desired for my cominge shall not dissolue your commission, neither will I appeare other then a stranger therfor I pray yow proceed to procure what shalbe for your comfortable continuance ther, and if in any thinge I can contribute to it I will not be a wantinge my cominge from London was very sudden soe that we had not tyme to send prouisions I expect by the next ship a good quan-titie with spades and some such other things as yow wrot for. She was sett downe to goe off 10 dayes after our departure. I hope she may be heare befor I come from hence if yow can haue any opportunitie of writinge in-forme me what way, and in what maner, and with what prouisions and company it wilbe necessarie to come I haue with me two case of pistols 6 carabines and 10 halfe pickes, which I did conceiue would be of most vse for trauellinge in the countrie. if your experience hath found other thinges more vsefull, I pray yow certifie me of them. Soe with my hartie loue and well wishes recomended to yow I comitt yow to the safe protection of our gra-tious God and rest Your louveinge freind

George Fenwick Boston May 21, 1636

Time not permitting me now to returne any other answer to your letters then what this Gentleman hath writ to you: I shall only let you know that your resolution to keepe the fort intire within itself torn necessary torn you must not care though it be displeasing to some. By Mr. Hodges I shall write fully to you if the multitude of affayres which vnexpectedly came vpon me since the country haue called me vnto office do not hinder me. Thus recommending you to God I rest your truly louing freind

H: Vane

W. 4. 81; 5 Collections , I. 223–224.