Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3
I knowe your loue to be such one to another that you will not take it amis that I now kindly sallut you both in on letter giueing you both harty thankes for your louing letters and for your grat loue shewed to your pore sister in this time of her grat affliction which I take as to my selfe and shall euer be riddy to requit it to the utmost of my power I should be right glad to se you once againe before your departuer which if it plase the lord to giue me life and helth I trist I shall this summer in the meane time I intrate your prayers for me as also the continuance of your loue to your pore sister to whom I pray giue your best aduise ether for her comming to me or staying with you which you shall thinke will give her most content and so with the remembrance of my loue to her and to my worthy sonne your littel one and all with you I command you both to the goodnes of god and rest Your louing mother till death
W. Au. 45. Priscilla Paynter, wife of the Reverend Henry Paynter, had as her first husband Bezaleel Sherman and as her second husband Thomas Fones, whose first wife was Anne Winthrop, Governor Winthrop’s sister. Elizabeth Winthrop, the widow of Henry Winthrop, and Martha Fones, who two days subsequent to the writing of this letter married John Winthrop, Jr., were daughters of Fones by his first marriage. The sister referred to in this letter is Ursula Sherman, Mrs. Paynter’s daughter by her first marriage, who had been engaged to Forth Winthrop at the time of his death in November, 1630.