A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Agreement about Freight on the Lion 1
Winthrop, John Massachusetts Bay Company


We whose names are heervnder written havinge severall parcells of provisions and other goods aboarde the Shippe Lyon now rydinge at Ancher in the Baye of Massachusets,2 whereof the fraught and other Charges are not yet cast vpp, doe heerby promise and binde our selues to paye our severall parts of the said fraught and of all other Charges both ordinarye and extraordinary couveringe the said goods and provisions, accordinge to suche rate and proportion as shalbe agreed vpon, and sett downe by the Governor and Assistants or the greater parte of them, the same to be payde within fower dayes of notice given and demand made thereof. In wittnesse whereof we have heervnto putt our hands this 14 of Febr: 1631. stilo novo

Jo: Winthop Gouenour for blank

Suffolk County Court Files, No. 4. The document is in the handwriting of Governor Winthrop.


See William Peirce to John Winthrop, Jr., Winthrop Papers, II. 317–318.