A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Thomas Caley to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Caley, Thomas Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my very louing and approued kinde Friend Mr. John Winthrop at Mr. Downings in Fleet street be these delivered in London


Good Sir,

I haue desired a good while to haue spoke with you, but could not neither at home nor at London: The busines about which was this. Whereas there was not a Cow deliuered in New England to my Vncle John Gosse, he doth desire in his letter that my mother would send him so much as it commeth to: either in cloth, in money, or butter and cheese. Now I haue sent vp halfe a red cloth to my brothers Chamber, desiring that it may be sent among your clothes, and that you wold be pleased to cause it to be safelie 41delivered to him: my mother had thought to haue bought 4 or 5li worth of butter and cheese and sent him but that your goods are sent away more suddenly than we are aware of: So as if we can not conueniently send it, if you please to let him haue either 5li in money or in such necessaries as he stands in need of, my mother and my selfe shall acknowledge ourselus much bound vnto you. And for the other fiue pound if you thinke so fit, if you please to deliuer it to my brothers Chambar before you goe (if I do not see you my selfe which I hope I shall this next weeke or the weeke after) my mother dothe resolue to bestow it on him, and it may be it may do him more good another yeere: either in money or some such commodities as he shall write for; Thus wishing you all health and happines in the Lord and a prosperous voyage and a comfortable meeting with your father in N. E. I commit and commend you and all your affayres to the safe tuition of our good God and most loving father, who neuer fayleth his and desire to approue my selfe to be Your Faithfull and intire Friend in all well wishing of the best good

Thomas Caley Little Waldingfield this 5th of July 1631

W. 4. 71; 5 Collections , I. 198–199.