A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Nathaniel Ward to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Ward, Nathaniel Winthrop, John, Jr.



I receiued your loving Letter in Mr. Halls behalfe: I was neuer against his having a lott amongst vs nor to my remembrance haue spoken anythinge 216to hinder him, only the company that he brought to towne and his manner of cominge before the towne knew any such thinge was obserued and disliked. I neuer heard sillable of that yow mention in your letter concerning a mayde in Ireland till the tyme of opening your letter att that instant Mr. Dudley was telling me of it. I dare not beleeue empty rumours aganst any man: I am and shalbe tender of young and hopefull men, and ready to incourage them. I am bold to say I am and haue bene and shalbe so whateuer is reported to the contrary. our Towne of late but somewhat too late haue bene carefull on whome they bestowe lotts, being awakned therto by the confluence of many ill and doubtfull persons, and by their behauiour since they came in drinking and pilferinge; I pray if you speake with Mr. Hall advise him to suffer no priuate drinking in his howse, wherin I heare lately he hath bene to blame.

The reasons which moue our freemen to be very considerate in disposall of lotts and admission of people to vs are thes: First we conceiue the lesse of Satans kingdome we haue in our Towne, the more of Gods presence and blessinge we may expect. 2ly we haue respect to the creditt of our Church and Towne, from which we heare there are too many vniust detractions in the bay to serue their owne ends. 3ly we consider our Towne as a sey or port towne of the land remote from neighbours and had neede to be strong and of a homogeneous spirit and people, as free from dangerous persons as we may. Lastly, our Thoughts and feares growe very sadd to see such multitudes of idle and profane young men, servants and others with whome we must leaue our children for whose sake and safty we came ouer, and who came with vs from the land of their nativity their freinds and many other comforts which their Birthright intitled them to, relying vpon our loue wisdome and care to repay them all in this wildernes either in Specie or Compensations: but I must Confesse it sinks vs almost to the graue to looke vpon the next generation to whome we must leaue them and the fruite of our adventures labours and counsells: we knowe this might haue bene easily prevented by due and tymely care of such as had the opportunity in their hand, and if it be not yet remedied we and many others must not only say with greif we haue made an ill change, euen from the snare to the pitt, but must meditate some safer refuge if God will afford it, but I hope he will cause light to shine out of darknes and glorifie his strenght in the weaknes of men, and do that which seemes to be past all doing. We haue our eyes upon yow magistrats to helpe vs, and now Good Sir giue me leaue with patience to tell yow, as I did before yow went to England, that your absence hath bredd vs much sorrowe, and your still going from vs to Connecticote doth much discourage vs. I feare your tye or obligation to this state and in speciall 217to this towne is more then yow did well consider when yow ingaged your self another way, and I feare your Indeauours that way will not be operae ac spei pretium. I am in a dreame att least not awake if it be the way of God for so many to desert this place turning their backs vpon vs and to seeke the good of their cattell more then of commonwealth, and my thoughts are that God doth iustly rebuke our state by the losse of so many men vessells and victualls in a tyme of dearth, for their facility in giving way to their departure: for your part we looke and long for yow here and are in a misery for the want of yow. The Lord bring yow in his season and in the meane tyme afford yow his presence and blessing where euer yow are: and so I rest Your worships in all truth of loue

Nathl. Warde Ipswich Dec: 24, 1635

I forgett not my due respect to your Father mother and wife.

I heare Mr. Coddington hath the sale and disposall of much prouision come in this shipp. I intreate yow to do so much as to speake to him in my name to reserue some meale and malt and what victualls els he thinks meete till our Riuer be open our Church will pay him duely for it. I am very deestitute. I haue not aboue 6 bushells corne left and other things answerable.


Essex Institute, 4 Collections , VII. 24–26. For Nathaniel Ward, first minister of Ipswich, see D.A.B.