A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Award of William Peirce and Benjamin Gillam1
Peirce, William Gillam, Benjamin Wintrhop, John Loomis, William


Boston in New england the 28th of the 4th mounth called June: 1636

Wheras Will: Peirse and Beniamyn Gillham were requested to arbitrat the worth or valleue of Joshua Winsor2 his service for fower yeares and nine 268mounthes dew to his maister Will. lomice of Redrise neare London, he now by his owne consent put ouer to the Worshipfull John Winthrop Esqure of Boston deputy Gouernor with him to serve out the forementioned tyme from this day till the sayd tyme aforesayd be fully compleat: we do award vnto his former maister to haue for his sayd tyme payd him the some of five pounds of currant money of england and the sayd Mr. John Winthrop is to find him meat drink and cloaths, with lodging convenient, for his tyme of his service.

Will: Peirse the mark of Beniamin X Gillham

W. 1. 115. For Peirce, see Winthrop Papers, II. 262, n. 1 n. 2 . Benjamin Gillam was a ship-carpenter in Boston. Savage. Genealogical Dictionary, 11. 255.


Winsor subsequently went to Providence. He was one of the signers of the “Civil Compact” of Providence and also signed the “Combination,” July 27, 1640. The Documentary History of Rhode Island, Howard M. Chapin, Editor, I (Providence, 1916), 97, 110–115. See also ibid., 137, 196; 3 Collections , X. 39–40.