A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

William Pynchon to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Pynchon, William Winthrop, John, Jr.


To the Right Worshipfull Mr. Jo. Wintrop at the Riuer mouth
June 2, 1636 Mr. Wintrop

my deere loue and affekeon rembred with thanks for your care to send away my goods: which I haue Received and also paid all the fraight: but 3li doth still remaine dew to you: I am now preparing to goe to the Bay and haue setled vppon a plantation at Agawam: and cannot torn Towne without both sidtorn for the best ground at Agawam torn incombred with Indians that I shall loose halfe the benefit thereby: and am compelled to plant on the opposite side to auoid trespassing of them: so when I see you I shall talk more.

I Received the letter: and think it a pore shift for the Indians of long Island to lay all the fault vppon a Pequat Sachem: so Jehovah blesse you Your most louing Frind

W. Pynchon

I haue no good pen. I Received the wampam you sent.


W. 1. 114; Proceedings , XLVIII. 38–39.