A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

The Commission for Foreign Plantations to the Officers of the Port of London1
Commission for Foreign Plantations London Port


To our louing Freinds the officers of the Port of London or any 1 of them

After our harty commendations whereas it appeareth that greate Numbers of his Maiesties subiects haue bin and are euery yeare transported into those parts of America, which haue bin graunted by patent to seuerall persons; and there settle themselues, some of them with ther families and whole Estates, Amongst which Numbers theire also many idle and refractary humors, whose only end is to liue as much as they can without the reach of authority, We hauing according to the power wherwith we are Intrusted by his Maiesties commission for matter of plantations seriously considered how necessary it is for diuers Weighty and important reasons to take carefull and effectuall order for the stopping of such promiscuous and disorderly parting out of the Realme, doe therfore in his Maiesties name expresly charge and command you the officers of that port not to suffer any person being a subsedyman to imbarke himselfe in the port or any the members thereof for any of the said plantations, without Licence from us his Maiesties commissioners, nor any person vnder the degree of a subsidyman without an attestation from two Justices of the peace liuing next the place where he dwelt last or where he dwelt before, if he hath dwelt but a while there, That he hath taken the oath of Supremacie and Allegiance, and the like Testimony from the Minister of the parish of his conversation and Conformity to the orders and discipline of the Church of England. And we do in like manner charge and command you to returne to vs every halfe yeare a particular and perfect list of the names and qualities of all those that haue in the meane time imbarqued in that port or 181the members thereof for any of the plantations before mentioned, in the performance of all which you are in no sort to faile, as you will answer the neglect thereof at your perills And so we bid you hartily Farewell. Your louing Freinds

From Whitehall the last of December 1634
W. Cant. Fra: Cottington
Tho: Couentry Ed. Dorsett
Portland Tho: Edmonds
Arundell John Coke
Surrey Fr: Windebanke
R. Ebor. H. Vane
H. Mandiuill
Ent. John Dickenson

Endorsed by John Winthrop, Jr.: The lords lettre to the Ports about passengers goeing to Plantations.


W. 4. 164; 5 Collections , I. 481–482. Cf. the Commission’s earlier order of February 28, 1633/34, Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, 1. 200–201; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, IX. 265–266.