A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

London Port Book Entry for the Recovery 1
London Port


vijmo Martij 1633/34

In le Recouerye of London Wm. Wildye master versus New England.

Jon Winthorpe Esquier gouernor and Comp. halfe a ton Iron ij barr pitche and tarr v smale Rundletts grocerye wares cost iiijli iiij C wht yron potts j C xijli brass kettles v trunks j packe of houshould stuffe and prouisions cost xxxli v chests j case glasse for windowes cost xli, x Iron backes for Chimneys j hhd ij Rundlette of xx dozen tallowe candles ij C wht of birding shott of lead vij Cases j Rondlett of ij hhds Aquavitae j Corslett j bag of j C wht Copperas iij hides Free per lic. Regis.


Public Record Office; Proceedings , XLVII. 180.