A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Howes, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his most respected and worthy Frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at the Mattachusetts these deliver in New England

I thought good not to lett passe the aquaintinge you with any thinge that might concerne you or the plantation, though I be neuer soe straightned in tyme. this day being the 27th of Nouember and the last but one of the terme I coming home at noone met 4 men there; that came as they said from Capt. Masons and the Bristoll plantation.2 I askt them what newes. Lambert as I take it his name is, master of the ship, said your father and you and all were well when he left you but he going vp to deliuer a letter to my master from your father as I conceiue, I fell into discourse with one of the other a most egregious knaue, whoe would giue none of you a good word but the gouernor he was a good man and kept a good table but al the rest were Heriticks and they would be more holy then all the world, they would be a peculiar people to God, but goe to the diuell, that one man with you being at confession as he called it, said he beleiued his father and mother and auntestors went all to Hell, and that your preachers in their publique prayers, pray for the gouernor before they praye for our kinge and state, and that one of the Pascataweyans vowed that if he should heare your minister saye soe he would stabbe him in the place where he spake it; and that you should haue all your throats cutt by the Indians ere it be longe, for they haue killed some Rebbells and would make an end of the rest, for that you are a people not worthie to liue one Gods earth that you neuer vse the Lords prayer, that your ministers marrie none, that fellowes which keepe hogges all the weeke preach on the 101Saboth, that euery towne in your plantation is of a seuerall religion; that you count all men in England, yea all out of your church, and in the state of damnacion but I beleiue and knowe better things of you; but here by you may partly see howe the diuell stirrs vp his instruments where his kingdome is soe mightily opposed he setts vpon you with all his might and maine, and would haue you to be like himselfe but he that is with you, is greater then he that is against you; accept this as the token of my goodwill, though I am sorrie to expresse it in these vile and diuelish repetitions, it is to make you the more vigilant and circumspect.

The Kinge of Sweden I heare is slayne; my other newes you shall haue at large in a letter dated the xxiiith of this moneth. I haue deliuered all your monie to Mr. Kirby Thus in great hast being the last daye of the terme I rest Yours as I haue bin

Edwa: Howes xxviiith ixber M.D.C.XXXII

Salute all my frinds againe. Vale optima salute.


W. 2. 165; 4 Collections , VI. 485–486.


Piscataqua (Dover, New Hampshire).