A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Anne Higginson to John Winthrop1
Higginson, Anne Wintrhop, John


Worthy Sir,

My loue and seruice to yow remembred: wishing your health and prosperity in the Lord: the cause of my writtinge att this time is to giue yow notice how it is with me: I haue 10 Acckers of ground to inclose: and it lieth soe among others ground that I must inclose it or forgoe it: now I am destitute of heelp and menns to doe it: hauing noe man: ther fore I doe desire your aduise in it: allsoe the time comes one to sett corne and if soe bee yow with the rest will alow me a man as my husbands condition was I should be glad to vnderstand your pleassur in it: and further as for the howse I now liue in I doe daly expect when they will call for mony for it: now my desire is to knowe whether yow will build me one or pay for that I ame in: I shall be content with what you thinke fitt: only my desire is to know which yow will doe, and I doe ernestly entreat your worshipfull with the rest of the Gentelmen to know what yow intend to doe for the time to come: my prouisiones 23grows skant: though I husband them the best I cane: allsoe concerning the kine my desir is to know how longe I shall haue them and whether I shall haue half the increase: as was before Agreed uppon by the marchants: soe Sir once more I pray yow to send mee word what yow intend to doe. in my barrell of mault I found some neatts tongs: if yow pleass I will send them yow with the first messenger I can: soe I beeseech the Lord to bless yow and rest Your Frend to her power.

Anne Higgison Ca. April, 1631

Endorsed by Governor Winthrop: Mrs. Higginson about her Couenants.


W. 1. 86; 2 Proceedings , VI. 424. Anne Higginson was the widow of the Reverend Francis Higginson of Salem who died in August, 1630. The agreement (April 8, 1629) between the New England Company and Higginson is printed in Sidney Perley, The History of Salem, Massachusetts, (Salem, 1924), 109–110.