A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Acknowledgment of Edward Rainsford and Others1
Rainsford, Edward Odlin, John Eliot, Jacob Winthrop, John Rainsford, Edward Massachusetts Bay Company, General Court


Whereas we ioyned in a writinge called a Remonstrance or Petition, wherin we did take vpon vs to censure the proceedings of the Court, we acknowledge we did ill and vnwarrantably therin, and humbly desire pardon therof

Ed: Raynsford Jacob Eliot John Odlin Ca. November 22, 1637

W. 4. 166; 5 Collections , I. 486. This acknowledgment, written on the verso of the document immediately preceding, is in the handwriting of Governor Winthrop. Immediately above it, also in the Governor’s handwriting, is the following draft of another form of acknowledgment:

“Whereas we had our hands to a writing called a Remonstrance or Petition, we acknowledge we did ill and vnwarrantably therin, as taking vpon us to censure the proceedings of the Court, which is not lawfull for private persons so to doe.”