A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Francis Kirby to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Kirby, Francis Winthrop, John, Jr.


To his much respected frend Mr. John Winthrop the yonger this deliver
London this 7th May 1636 Deare frend,

Yours of the 14th January I receiud and did deliuer the inclosed to Mr. Kepler, but haue not yet provided the things you wrote for, but I pray blame not Mr. Kepler nor my selfe, the cause beinge in the primum mobile; that should set vs on worke, vidz: the want of your mony which my bro: Downeinge can not receiue. the other things for which you wrote to my sister Downeinge I hope will be with you longe before this letter, they were shipped in the Susan and Hellin. I am sory that Tho: Goad did not proue a fit seruant for you, he is not yet come home to London but we haue had letters from him where he is in Spayne. Thus desireinge you to remember mee to your second selfe and the rest of my frends with you I rest Your loving frend

Fra: Kirby
I paid for the fother and plumbers tooles 1 10 0
for the firkin to pake them in and headinge it 0 1 0
paid Mr. Peirce Charges about your beefe and lead and suche like 2 1 6
3 12 6
I received for your horse of your vncle Goslin after I saw that I could do no better for hay was at is the night 2 0 0
The rest I shall receiue of my bro: Downinge 1 12 6

W. 3. 7; 4 Collections , VII. 17.