To her much respected Husband Mr. John Winthrope at Mr. Downings howse in flet street neere the conduit giue this with speede
Thy faithfull wife Martha Winthrop
Deare husband,
I reiceiued a letter from thee to day wheirein thou sentst me word that John Robinson was comeing and this is Tuesday and hee is not come yet My mother aduiseth me to goe up now My Uncle Gosling saith that hee shall bee at more leisure now than if I stay longer to come up with mee Therefore if John Robinson come this weeke I would faine hear from thee to know why John came not doune and what is becom of Bes Webs cloaths and a Bible that my sister Ursula sent to litell Martha which2 wee haue not yet receiued Wee receiued a port mantle on Monday with things from my sister Ursula by Jeruese who saide hee had no thing ellse Send word what carier you deliuered them unto To day I receiued a letter from thee by good man Freinch and am faine to make hard shift to get this letter sent I am so straitned of time that I canot manifest my loue as I wold but I send thee sweete loue a hundred kises and bid thee good night.
Martha Winthrop
Ca. April 12, 1631