A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Brampton Gurdon to John Winthrop1
Gurdon, Brampton Wintrhop, John


To my muche honerred frend Mr. Jhon Wenthrop at Boston in Neu England, be thes I pray
My worthy good frind,

I haue resayued your letter of the 24 of Jeun. I reioyes to hear of godes mersy expressed to your plantatyon in genrall and to yow and yowers in the perticuler I thancke yow for your care of my sonn. I hoped his passing by see and then the chang of ayer would haue so changed his weacke body to a more abule body for the performans of that which his years and statuer mought exspect. I haue before now found fault with him for his so bad writeng, but I now impeut it to the weackenes of his Joyentes so as he is not abule to gyed his pen as heartofore. He writ better 4 years past then he doo now. I doo perswad him to put him selff to soum suche exersyes as may infors his sweatteng the which I thincke should be especyally good for him as I now fyend his condecyon I may fear he is to burdensoum to you but by Godes helpe I am verry welling to macke good any thing for his charge as you shall desyer. Sir scins I resayued your letter I went to Jhon Brand and found his sonn Joseff with him for so I desyred. When I had sheued Joseff your not of the perticeuler layenges out and the not of the goodes scent his brother Beniamen, he tould me he could say nothing till he had loked in his bocke at London, torn as he tould me he should be gone thether and after he had veued his bocke he would writ to yow. I shall not slacke to put him in mind to geu satisfaccyon. I scent my sonn Brampton to my cosen Ryes to acquayent him as yow desyred. vpon saterday last I resaved a letter from Jarmen Pyen which informed me a ship was to goe doun to grauesend the later end of this wecke that is goeng for N. E. which caused me to hast a man to Sir W. Spring to acquayent him so muche as conserned him in your letter. his answer is in desyreng me to exceus him to yow but I am contented to scend you his owen letter the which may geue yow the best satisfaccyon.2 he is now in parly and I hope it is concleuded for a mache with his sonn and Sir Hamund Strange dafter. he is to haue 4000le at the lest with a hansoum well bred gentelwoman. It hathe faulne out verry hard with the shipe whear in Mr. Nathl. Rogers imbarked him selff his wiff who locke for at the end of 7bur and 4 children and 3 other pore fameles out of this towen won is Robinson that liued in Little Waldenfeld with his wiff and 6 children thay went abord at Grauesend the 296furst of Jeuen and haue euer scins ben houereng to the Ile of Wite and this day Mris. Crane their scister and Mris. Rogers mother in law tould me her husband had a letter from them from Plimworth writ on saterday scen night this will fall exceding heui to dyuers in the ship who had mad som prouicyon for thear liuelyhod in N. E. thay will be inforsed to spend it before thay goe and all for want of a constant Est wind. thay haue had the wind for a day or 2 and then brought backe agayen. thay haue had dyuers feruent prayers to geue them a good wind but the tyem is not yet coum for god to haue the prayes of it. my sonn Saltonstall doo dayly expect his coummeng. I haue not time now to writ it to him whot this day I hard I pray thearfore doo him word of it, and thus praying god to kep vs in his treu fear with my wiffes and my best respect to you and to Mris. Winthrop in all treu affeccyon remembred I rest your euer asseured louing frend

Brampton Gurdon Assington this 30 of August 1636

I sheued Sir Nathanyele your remembring of him.


W. 2. 181; 4 Collections , VI. 559–561.


Cf. the letter from Sir William Spring to John Winthrop immediately preceding.