Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3
My hand being at the petition, (haueing considered of it,) I am convinced of the vnlawfullnesse of the Action; for I did it Rashly without aduice, allso, Ignorantly not Knowing what I did: For had I knowen it had beene against the Rule, or would haue beene offensiuely taken, or that I had expressed any disrespect or vnreverentness to Authority in the leaste measure I would not haue done it, For it goeing vnder the name of a Petition (being Ignorant in things of that nature) I set my hand to it without any scruple: But God hath let me see that herein I haue sinned, and therfore my disire is, that my hand may be withdrawne from it.
W. 1. 110.