A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

London Port Book Entry for the Elizabeth 1
London Port


xxviijmo Martii 1634

In the Elizabeth of London prd.

Jon: Winthorpe Esquier gouernor etc. j hhd yron tooles value ixli j barrell of vj bushells salte j barrell honny j hhd of grocerye and haberdash. wares value vjli xs ixd j barrell of iij C wht promes j quarter pease in Caske j barrell of iiij bushells wheat meale j hhd vinegar ij Chests Apparell and beddinge. j barrell of dd C pewter j hhd with trenchers dishes and other houshold stuff value is j dryfatt of beddinge and old linnen value vli j case of ij dozen plaine felt hattes j Case windowe glasse ij hhds j fatt iiij barrells iiij Chestes j truncke of beddinge and wearing Apparell and Iron ware for theire private prouision all value xxxli d1 hhd vinegar j fatt of vj C wht kettles j fatt of vj wht fryinge pans j tte of v dozen Irishe stockinge lx paire knitt woollen stocking ij dozen whalebone bodyes j C and d1 wht pewter absq. subss. etc. per lic. Regis.


Public Record Office; Proceedings , XLVII. 181.