Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3
I have ben heartily reyoiced receauing your letter to vnderstand of your health, and that you were so wel prouided to be vnder the gouvernour in the Castle but because you desire to come for England I haue gotten a friend to write this inclosed letter to the Gouvernour to intreate him to giue you leaue to come home with the first shipping agree with the master off the ship for your passage at the best rate and cheapest you can, and iff it pleaseth God to send you saue hether I will see it duely discharged. You complaine off vnkindenesse endured by your Vnkle. I pray God to forgiue it him, and doe beseeche him to graunt you a happy passage and that I may see you here shortely in good health. Your father God be praysed is in good health and your sister, they commend them to you and so do I heartily and hoping to see your ere long I praye God for your health and rest
W. 1. 118. Sebastian Paulin had been brought over by his uncle Nicholas Simpkin under an arrangement by which the boy was to have been apprenticed to Robert Keayne for ten years. Savage (1826), II. 345.