A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Sir Matthew Boynton to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Boynton, Matthew Winthrop, John, Jr.


To my uerie worthy friende John Winthropp the yonger Esqr. att Ipswidge in the Massachusetts Bay in New England giue this

hauinge considered the uncertaintie of my condition and the more, by reason of manie difficulties which I dayly meete withall, my businesses alsoe which are manie beeing yett undisposed of: I haue thought itt nott conuenient to be att anie further charge with my stocke butt ame upon these considerations fullie resolued to lett them out to be kept for me for a third parte of the increase, which I haue heard to be the usuall rate of the Con trie, butt if I be mistaken therin, I refer itt to your selfe to make such an allowance out of the increase of the Cattle, I meane my whole stocke, as you shall iudge to be equall and proportionable: and because theyr will be noe employment for 389my seruants when my stocke is thus disposed of: I will leaue itt to theyr choice, whether they will returne into England, the charge of which theyr passage I will uerie willinglie beare, if they thinke itt conuenient, which notwithstanding I suppose they will nott, (if they understand the condition of things here) or els to make use of theyr liberties for theyr best aduantage in the place where they are: your kindeness in the disposinge of my businesses for me shall much engage Your affectionate and assured friende

Matt. Boynton London April 12th 1637

I haue sent eyther of my seruants halfe a yeares wages by Mr. Hopkins which I pray you deliuer to them. I haue heard nothing from you nor them since the last yeare: soe that I know nothing how my stocke prospereth: I haue giuen your vncle Downing satisfaction for thirtie pound concerning which you writt to me. I gaue my seruants a yeares wages before hand when I sent them ouer in May last. I haue alsoe intreated Mr. Hopkins to use his endeauoures for the disposing of my stocke for my best conueniencie, soe that I may be free from anie charge att all in keeping of them and that itt may be alsoe in my power to deliuer them upon occasion of anie present bargain to anie to whom I shall thinke fitt to sell them here att home.


W. 3. 42; 4 Collections , VII. 168–169.