A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Howes, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


To the Worshipfull his most esteemed frind Mr. John Winthrop Junr. at Boston in N: Engl. present these

The intire respects I euer bare towards you constrayneth me to take all occasions to vent my Loue; and more nowe then euer, when as you are become not only a branch in the viniard; but euen a cheife piller to the new Syon; vphold, oh vphold, helpe with councell and seasonable advice to reare the walles; it is noe shame for Israelites, to fight with one hand, and buyld with the other; but if I should write a volume to this purpose, it were but water, cast into the sea of your aboundant abilities; I write only to manifest my good will; but not to teach; you haue knowne me, and doe knowe me, a man subiect to infirmities; couer therefore all my disrespects of you with the vaile of your loue; and account of me accordinge to my poore abilities Yours

E.H. A Templo Quinto Junij 1633

W. 2. 166; 4 Collections , VI. 487.