A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

John Winthrop to William Bradford1
Winthrop, John Bradford, William



The Lord hauing so disposed, as that your letters to our late Gouernour is fallen to my lott to make answer vnto; I could haue wished I might haue been at more freedome of time, and thoughts also, that I might haue done It more to your, and my owne satisfaction. But what shall be wanting now, may be supplyed hearafter. for the matters which from your selfe, and counsell, were propounded, and objected to vs; we thought not fitte to make them so publicke as the cognizance of our generall courte. But as they haue been considered by those of our counsell; this answer we thinke fitt to return vnto you. (1) Wereas you signifie your willingnes to joyne with vs, in this warr against the pequents, though you cannot Ingage your selues, without the consente of your generall courte; we acknowledg your good affection towards vs (which we neuer had cause to doubt of) and are willing to attend your full resolution, when it may most seasonably be ripened. (2ly) Wheras you make this warr, to be our peopls; and not to conceirne your selues, otherwise then by consequence, we do in parte consente to you therin; yet we suppose, that in case of perill, you will not stand vpon such terms, as we hope, we should not doe towards you; and withall we conceiue that you looke at the pequents, and all other Indeans, as a commone enimie, who though he may take occasion, of the begining of his rage, from some one parte of the English, yet if he preuaile, will surly pursue his aduantage, to the rooting out of the whole nation; therfore when we desired your help, we did it not without respecte to your owne saftie, as ours. (3ly) wheras you desire we should be Ingaged to aide you, vpon all like occasions; we are perswaded, you doe not doubte of it; yet as we now deale with you, as a free people, and at libertie, so as we cannot draw you into this warr with vs, otherwise then as reason may guid, and prouock you; so we desire we may be at the like freedome, when any occasion may call for help from vs. And wheras it is objected to vs, that we refused to aide you, against the french; we conceiue the case was not alicke; yet we cannot wholy excuse our failing in that matter.

(4ly) Weras you objecte that we began the warr, without your priuitie, and managed it contrary to your aduise, The truth is, that our first Intentions being only against Block Hand, and the Interprice seeming of small 418difficultie, we did not so much as consider of taking aduise, or looking out for aide abroad. And when we had resolued vpon the pequents, we sent presently, or not long after, to you aboute it; but the answer receiued, it was not seasonable for vs to chaing our counsells, excepte we had seen, and waighed your grounds, which might haue out wayed our owne.

(5ly) for our peoples trading at Kenebeck, we assure you (to our knowledge) it hath not been by any allowance from vs; and what we haue prouided in this and like cases, at our last Courte, Mr. Edward Winslow can certifie you.

And (61y) wheras you objecte to vs that we should hold trade and correspondancie with the french your enemise; we answer you are misinformed, for besids some letters which hath passed betweene our late Gouernour and them, to which we were priuie, we have neither sente nor Incouraged ours to trade with them, only one vessell or tow, for the better conueance of our letters, had licens from our Gouernor to sayle thither.2

diuerce other things haue been priuatly objected to vs by our worthy freind, whervnto he receiued some answer; but most of them concerning the appre-hentions of perticuler discurteseis, or Injueries from some perticuler persons amongst vs; It concernes us not to giue any other answer to them, then this; that if the offenders shall be brought forth, in a right way, we shall be ready to doe Justice as the case shall require. In the meane time, we desire you to rest assured, that such things are without our priuity, and not a litle greeueous to vs.

Now for the joyning with vs in this warr, which indeed concerns vs no other wise, then it may your selues, viz: the releeuing of our freinds, and Christian Breethren, who are now first in the danger. Though you may thinke us able to make it good without you, (as if the lord please to be with us, we may) yet 3 things we offer to your consideration which (we conceiue) may haue some waight with you. (first) that If we should sinck vnder this burden, your opportunitie of seasonable help would be lost in 3 respects. 1. You cannot recouer vs, or secure your selues ther, with 3 times the charge and hazard which now ye may. 2ly The sorrowes, which we should lye vnder (If through your neglect) would much abate of the acceptablenes of your help afterwards. 3ly, Those of yours, who are now full of courage, and forwardnes, would be much damped, and so less able to vndergoe so great a burden The (2) thing is this, that it concernes vs much to hasten this warr to an end before the end 419of this sommer; other wise the newes of it will discourage both your and our freinds from coming to vs next year, with what further hazard and losse it may expose vs vnto, your selues may judge.

The (3) thing is this, that if the lord shall please to blesse our endeaours, so as we end the warr, or put it in a hopefull way without you; It may breed such ill thoughts in our people towards yours, as will be hard to entertaine such oppinione of your good will towards vs, as were fitt to be nurished among such neigbours and brethren as we are. And what Ill consequences may follow, on both sids, wise men may fear, and would rather preuente, then hope to redress so with my harty salutations to you selfe, and all your counsell, and other our good freinds with you, I rest Yours most Assured in the lord

Jo: Winthrop Boston, the 20 of the 3 month 1637

Original not located; Bradford, History of Plymouth (facsimile edition, London, 1896), 423–427; (1912), 11. 244–246; L. and L. , II. 194–197. For Winthrop’s account of the negotiations between the Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colonies concerning the latter’s participation in the war against the Pequots, see Journal, I. 213–214; also printed in D.J.W. , entry for May 12, 1637 .


Bradford’s marginal comment on this statement by Winthrop is: “But by this means they did furnish them, and have still continued to doe.”