A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

John Winthrop, Jr., to Martha Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Martha


To my loving wife Mrs. Martha Winthrop deliver In Groton
Thine whilst mine owne John Winthrop My deare wife,

I receiued thy louing letters and am uery glad to heare that thou diddest come safe to Groton For those reportes thou wrightest of let them not trouble the Thou maiest maist sic satisfi them that it is al false but I prethe doe not tel any that I doe not meane to pay the fine of fiue marke for I feare it may by the same tatling tonges be spread abroad and come to some of the aldermans ears with additions I hope to see the the beginning of next weeke which I thinke longer then ten time the time when thou art with me Farewel my deare God keepe us and send us a merry meeting.

I send the heerwith a handred and twenty kisses and as many more My loue remembred to my sister Winthrop and Mary I must haue a horse meete me on Monday.

John Winthrop London May 28, 1631

W. Au. 57; Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, L. 83. This letter, with the exception of the superscription and the date line, is in cipher.