A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Edward Howes to John Winthrop, Jr.1
Howes, Edward Winthrop, John, Jr.


London primo Nouembris 1632 Sir,

Yours of the 19 of September I receiued this euening, and could not let slipp to giue you intelligence of the receipt, though this be the third by this ship vnto you, my loue is soe intire vnto you that all the tyme I bestowe for you I thinke too little; I thanke you for your resolucion concerninge the silke wormes; Mr. Wigens whome I thinke you knowe, hath fullie resolued me thereof. as for your Cement it is a rare and a strainge request, but shall not be thought impossible, by me to be answered. I haue here sent a very necessary instrument for great ordnance2 for John Samford. if you please to bestowe a little looking thereon you may quickly informe him in the vse thereof. the notches shewe the diametre of the bores, W. P. the weight of the pouder due to euery piece. L. L. the length of the ladle B. L. the weight of the bullett etc. the other side shewes the seuerall names of the ordnance.

I pray thanke James for his letter of the 18th of Sept. last, and for his 91wiuinge instruccions. Thus with my loue remembred to you your wife sisters brothers and all our frinds I committ you to Gods protection and rest Tuus dum suus

Edward Howes

W. 2. 164; 4 Collections , VI. 479–480.


In the margin: “torn6d price.”