A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Daniel Patrick to the Governor and Council of War in Massachusetts1
Patrick, Daniel Wintrhop, John Council of War in Massachusetts


To the honnorable the Gouernore and the Rest of the Councell of war in Massechusets theese be delivered
Honnorable Gentlemen,

Your Commissione I receiude at narregansets the 17 daye of June, requiringe me to narregansets, or be sure of a sufficient reasone for the Contrarye. at narregansets I was, but goe backe to saybrooke this 19 of June, to fetch the Companye, yet but to meat Mr. Stoughtone at Pequote, or if oportunitie be offerd to venter your fauour as well as my owne lyfe, for to make anny thinge sure in ware cannot bee. what may stand with good reasone, Prouidence may cross, therefore as the lord shall dereckt, beinge tirde to be tide to Saybrooke soe longe, and heering a ruemore of Pequots dispersione, alsoe hauinge taken some Cannoes laden with all sorts of Indean howsell stuff passinge by the riuers mouth I guest a probbabillitie of it, and resolude to take 10 men with the pinace and goe obserue the motione and posture of Pequote riuer, but before I went Cobbine beets and 2 or 3 more weare cut of cominge downe in a shallop from Quenechtequed, the Dutch yacht broght vs worde, whoe had bine to carry home our captiue mades. Captane Vnderhill and I went out and founde the shallope ruinated, and the Indeans fled, next day being come home, one of the slane menn came driuinge by saybrooke, stuck with 3 or 4 arrows, his cloths one, his bandeleors about hime, and his sworde vnder his arme readye drawne, being one of Mr. Michaels men. this was dune 6 mile from sayebrooke. to pequot as I intended I came, and found all gone though I knew not where, then I argued if the Indeans be gone, what need such Chardg from the baye, therfore to Narregansets, where I found William Quicke. I landed and dealt with the 431Narreganset Sachems, whoe blamde the baye of procrastinatione, informd vs of the Pequots desertinge there Cuntrye, as neuer to returne in there Judgments, of there flight at present to Quinnopiage, which I witnes to, hauinge seene, and as I sayd taken 2 of there Cannoes, but then not acquanted with there intended proggress, that ther cheyfe eandeuor for a while till after waye made to the mowhoake. the opertunitye I spake of maye bee to surprise them there by night, with some Nareganset if I cann drawe them to runn the venter, venter I say of loosinge soe much time as marchinge to and froe, for I am not certane whether they will be gone before wee come or whether danger at home will forbide our frinds to come downe the riuer or Captn. Vnderhill will doe any thinge in the Case, but if I can get them to runn the venter which is smale to them, then times fore locke woulde be taken houlde of, and a fare farwell giuen them at partinge. 40 or 50 Pequots remayne at longe Iland, 300 fitt for fight at quinnopiage. Nowe if those at Quinnopiage avoyde to the Mowhoake, or if but 50 mile aboue the Riuer townes, as some thinke, what will you doe with or where will you imploye our 200 men I barely propounde it, and soe leaue it. our frinds at Quenechtequod resolue to joyne with you possessinge the Pequots Cuntrye for that, and the manner, I leaue till farther order, onely for the present if noe better seruice fale out, if at my returne to the Riuers mouth quinnopiage fayle, and they will and are readye to set downe at Pequot, Ile be doinge with them in possessione. a cale of your worships cann fetch mee of when you will, but if sounde reasone not for quenopiage, nor possessinge of Pequote will permite, then accordinge to Comissione, I hoope shortly to returne to Narreganset where Ile leaue a Coppy of this letter for Mr. Stoughtone to make vse of as he shall thinke good. Thus after seruice in all due Respeckt, I leaue you to the lord and rest yours to commaunde

Dani. Pattricke Narregansets this 19 of June 1637

Pequots and Naantucke is rich lande full of good Corne a Coate and a pare of shoes the Indeane is to haue Capt. Vnderhill is gone vp the Riuer to the plantations the Narregansets propound for some smale interrest and priueledg in Pequot Cuntrye, but reffer them selus to you.

Williame Quicke hath bine heere this 10 dayes but none but hee is yet come.


W. 3. 88; 4 Collections , VII. 322–324.