A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 3

Matthew Cradock to John Winthrop1
Cradock, Matthew Jolliffe, John Wintrhop, John


Worthei Sir,

the greyffe I haue beene putt to by the most vyle bad dealings of Thomas Mayhewe hath and doeth so much disquiet my mynd as I thanke God Neuer aney thing ded in the lyke manner. The Lord in mercy Freey me from this. I absoluteley Forbad Chardging moneys from thence 345or buying aney goods there. I thanke God my occasions Requyred it not but to haue had great Returnes made mee from thence by meanes of goods I sent thether by the direction of Thomas Mayhewe For aboue 5000li In the last 2 yeeres and geeuing to much Credditt to his insynnuating practises and the good opynion I by the reports and aduize of maney and more especialley of your selfe ded apprehend of him, but Farr beyond all exspectacion and contrary to my express order he hath charged me with dyuers somes and geeuen bills in my name which he neuer had order from me to doe and that not for small somes whereof some partyculers are specefyed in the Inclosed which I pray you deliuer my seruant Jno. Jolliff and good Sir lett me intreate your selfe and those in authority there to take some Course that Thomas Mayhew may bee answerable For that Estate of myne which my sayd seruant Can showe you hath Come to his hands This conueyance is vncerten and therfore I shalbee breiffer then I would or my necessety Requyres but by Mr. Peirse God willing I shall Inlardge, but I knowe you may by this seey and apprehend my Case. Bills come dayley almost presented to me of one kynd or other without aney aduize, but from Jno. Jolliffs aryuall he ought not to haue done any thing in my buiseynes without his approbacion and consent but when It shall appeare how he hath dealt by me you and all men that shall seey it I ame perswaded will hardely thinke It Could be possible that a man pretending sincerity in his actions could deale so viley as he hath and doeth deale by me. This buiseynes Is not to be delayed, if he can iustefy his actions it were to bee wished but not possible. Lett me Craue your fauour and the Courts so Farr as you shall seey my Cause honest and just and boeth the Court and your selfe and the whole plantacion shall euer oblige me to be Yours euer to my power

Mathewe Cradock London 13 January 1636/37
Jno. Jollife,

Fayle not to send the shipp Rebecka victualled for three Monthes to Virginea to mr. Thomas Steggs with some commoditty such as you shall vnderstand to be there most vendable For vallewe of 120li or 150li at most. You may Rate all 20 per cent more then what ech Cost per Inuoice sent from hence, leaue the Shipp wholey to mr. Tho: Steggs disposing and if he send ought back in her to you and Rich: Hoare (for so Is our aduize) Followe his order therewith and with the shipp as neere as you Cane: I wish Mr. Jno. Hodges to whome commend me goe master in her and that he obserue mr. Steggs order in her further ymplyment. Shee is to bee victualled for three Monthes and to haue all her ordynance belonging to her with other 346necessaries whereof what all Is I desyre an Inuentory may be sent me and the masters hand to it. Yours

Mathewe Cradock2

Jno. Jolliff writes me the manner of Mr. Mayhewes accounts Is that what Is not sett downe Is spent: most extremeley I ame abused my seruants write they drinke nothing but water and I haue in an account lateley sent me Red Wyne, sack and aqua vitae in one yeere aboue 300 gallons besids many other to intolerable abuses 10li for tobacco etc. My papers are misselayd but if you Call for the coppyes of the account sent me and examine vppon what ground It is made you shall fynd I doubt all but forged stuffe by Mr. Pierse I shall god willing inlardge, meane while I euer Rest in ought I may Your worships at Commaund

Mathewe Cradock London 21 Febr. 1636/37

W. 2. 65; 4 Collections , VI. 122–124.


“That written in the margent was by mistake and should haue bene written in Jno. Jolliffs letter.” Matthew Cradock to John Winthrop, February 21, 1636/37 (page 349, below).