Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 19 Presidency, U.S. 14 powers and duties of PJA19 xvii xxxi 145 212 228 411 426–27 443 459–60 471 475 476 477–78 484 6 salary and provisions for PJA19 xvii 410 415 416 456–57 459 5 electoral process for PJA19 xxviii 209 317 373 408–409 5 Washington’s election to PJA19 xxviii 373 390 393 453 3 Congress and PJA19 389 448 458 3 protocols for PJA19 442 456–57 458–60 3 public attitudes toward PJA19 313 463 475 2 JA on PJA19 437 458–60 3 debate over title for PJA19 xxx 437 445 3 inauguration for PJA19 xvi–xvii 418 419 1 balance of powers and PJA19 488 1 establishment of PJA19 119 1 Jefferson on PJA19 214–15 1 Washington on PJA19 457