Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 19 Europe 13 possible war in PJA19 xxv 160–61 163 164 183 193 203 224 236 307 370 394 474–75 9 balance of power in PJA19 xxiii 163–64 215 216–17 235 321 331 355 370 5 JA on PJA19 xxiv 161 231 232 460 3 attitudes toward U.S. in PJA19 28 289 308 3 political and economic conditions in PJA19 227 329 369–71 3 trade with U.S. PJA19 133 366 467 2 U.S. publications in PJA19 141 363 1 immigration to U.S. from PJA19 337 1 Jefferson on PJA19 447 1 relations with U.S. PJA19 157 1 J. Searle seeks loans for Pennsylvania in PJA19 450 1 trade with China PJA19 368 1 trade with India PJA19 368 1 U.S. neutrality and PJA19 235 1 trade with Baltic States PJA19 xiii 1 trade with East Indies PJA19 xiii 1 trade with West Indies PJA19 xiii