- - - [Towns,] of Plymouth, meet, and vote
against an address of the Jus- tice to Gen.Gage[Thomas Gage] . 555.
- - - [Towns,] of Salem, meet & choose
Deputies to meet in County Congress: General Gage[Thomas Gage] forbids them, marches Troops, apprehend the
Committee of Correspondence, &c. 561.
- - - [Towns,] of Fairfield, meet resolve,
&c, on their Grievances &c. 590.
- - - [Towns,] of Marlborough, advertise
those who, wont sign the Cove- nant . 598.
- - - [Towns,] of Annapolis, burn Tea, &
the Vessel that brought it. 609.
- - - [Towns,] of Marblehead, meet to inform
the recommendations of the Provincial Congress: vote the Man- damus Councellors Rebels, &c. 616.
- - - [Towns,] of Portsmouth, &c, remove,
Cannon, Powder, &c. out of the Fort. 632,636.