Tryon[William Tryon] Governor, his procla- mation , especially Land in dispute. 4.
- - - [ Tryon[William Tryon] Governor, ] his message to the
House of Representatives, declines taking his salary from them: lays
the Kings instructo before them prohibiting him to take it, &c. 41.
Town of Boston meet, and have an Oration delivered by Dr.[Doctor] Warren[Joseph Warren] , &c. 39.
- - - [Town of Boston, ] their valuation.
- - - [Town of Boston, ] meet on occasion of
the Judges being made independant: their message to the governor,
and other trans- actions , relative to it. 175.
See Up.
Town of Boston, their resolve, & Transactions
relative to the receiving Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] 's reply: resolve that they have a right to
petition: and to confer with other towns: choose a com- mittee of Correspondence, &c, &c. 177.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and Accept
the report of the Committee stating rights &c, &c. 187,1085.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and hear
an Oration pronounced by Dr.[Doctor]Church[Benjamin Church] . 252.
- - - [Town of Boston,] their Answer to Govr. Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] 's Speeches, reflecting on their late proceedings.
- - - [Town of Boston,] vote to refuse the
use of the Hall on Election Day, if the Commissions, &c, dine
there. 290.
- - - [Town of Boston,] inhabitants of,
meet under Liberty tree, and in Town Meet- ing , to require the Tea Factors to resign their Commission: their
Resolves, trans- actions , &c. 391,399.
- - - [Town of Boston,] & inhabitants of
the Country Towns, &c, meet: their proceed- ings respecting the Tea Ship's by the East India
Company, &c; their votes, re- solves , &c. 407,415,416,422.
- - - [Town of Boston,] of infinite import- ance to Great Britain. 496.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet & have an
oration by Hancock[John Hancock] . 460.
- - - [Town of Boston,] Port block't up, by an Act of Parliament. 499,508,511.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and consult
on measures, relative to Blocking up the Har- bour . 498.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and vote, that
they will do nothing respecting the Port Bill, untill a Congress
meet: their votes, &c. 518.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet on
adjournment,- a motion made to censure the Committee of
Correspondence, &c; but the Town approve of their conduct. 525.
- - - [Town of Boston,] their great
hardships on Account of the Port Act. 541,596.
- - - [Town of Boston,] send a Letter to
the Country on their great distresses, &c. 562.