- - - [South Carolina, ] inhabitants meet by
their Deputies, resolve on the A- merican grievances: choose Members for a Congress, &c. 537,548.
- - - [South Carolina, ] meet in Convention by
their Deputies, resolve to break off all connection with the Colony of Georgia, because they wont adopt the measures of the Continental Congress, &c.
- - - [South Carolina, ] in congress
by their Deputies, choose Members for a New Continental Congress.
- - - [South Carolina, ] their Efforts in
behalf of Liberty, and their de- fence . 866,882,912,968,1007.
- - - [South Carolina, ] adopt a New Form of
Government, which see. 947.
- - - [South Carolina, ] Assembly
dissolved, for adherency to their resolution, re- specting their money Bills. 239.
- - - [South Carolina, ] adopt the measures
of the Virginia House of Assembly:- choose a committee
of Correspondence &c. 340.
- - - [South Carolina, ] see State of, &
Charlestown, & Representa. of Song, on destroying the Tea in Boston. 437,466.