Town of Boston, by their Se- lect Men, apply to General Gage[Thomas Gage] , on his go- ing to Fortify the Neck. 571.
- - - [Town of Boston,] made a Garrison town, 571,573,609.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and choose Re- presentatives , & members for a Provincial Congress, &c, instructed
them, &c, not to acknowledge the Mandamus Council, &c. 583.
- - - [Town of Boston,] thier proceedings,
and report, respecting troops being quartered in Town. 616.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and make some stric- tures on General Gage[Thomas Gage] 's Letter to the Congress: vote thanks to the
Continent for their be- nevolence to them: choose Delegates for a new Provincial Congress. 640.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet on Account of
the small Pox; vote against Inoculation, &c. 707.
- - - [Town of Boston,] Blockaded by an
Army from the Country. 723.
- - - [Town of Boston,] inhabitants, not
permitted to leave the Town. 727.
- - - [Town of Boston,] a grat Fire there. 735,739.
- - - [Town of Boston,]Gen.Gage[Thomas Gage] breaks his capitulation with them. 746.
- - - [Town of Boston,] transactions there by
the British Troops: with the prices of things. 859.
- - - [Town of Boston,] Thursday Lecture clo- sed , 867.- Opened again. 913.
- - - [Town of Boston,] Beseiged by the
Army of the United states. 897.
- - - [Town of Boston,] evacuated by the
British Troops: &c,- the Army of the United Colo. take possession of it. 905.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet for the first time af- ter the Troops leaving it: choose their officers. 917.
- - - [Town of Boston,] the great
importance of Fortifying the Harbour belonging to it. 924,931.
See Up.
Town of Boston, meet, and give excellent instructions to
their Representatives; in particualr to support independency if it
should be declared: and say that the executive, & Legislative, ought
to be kept separate, &c. 949.
- - - [Town of Boston,] Fortified at
Noddles Island
- - - [Town of Boston,] an expedition there, carryed on against the enemies fleet, and to fortify the Harbour : they drive of the fleet, &c. 956,957.
- - - [Town of Boston,] was to have been left
by General Howe[William Howe] , but was to have had a strong Garrison left there,
&c. 968.
- - - [Town of Boston,] the reason why it
was evacuated. 1004,1006,1063.
- - - [Town of Boston,] meet, and come into
measures relative to the making out acco . losses suffered by the british Troops. 1045.
- - - [Town] of Roxbury, meet, on receiving
a Letter from the Town of Boston, on the independency of
the Judges, &c: their trans- actions , &c. 189.
- - - [Town of Roxbury,] their further
transactions, & resolves. 201.
- - - [Town of Roxbury,] unfair management, said
to have been at the Meeting. 206.
- - - [Town] of Plymouth, their proceedings,
relative to their grievances, &c, their votes, resolves, &c;
send a Letter to the Boston Committee. 193,201.
- - - [Town ] of Marblehead, their votes,
&c, and proceedings relative to their grievances:- Judges
independancy, &c. 198,206.
- - - [Town ] of Cambridge, meet
relative to the same. 202,206.
- - - [Town ] of Charlestown, their proceedings
relative to the independency of the Judges, &c: instruct their Representa: -answer the Boston Letter, &c. 211.
- - - [Town ] of Dorchester, meet and come
into Boston's measure respecting Griev- ances , &c. 217.
- - - [Town ] of Brooklyn, meet on the same,
their proceedings, &c. Ibid.