Town of Ipswich, meet on their grie- vances : their proceedings, &c. 217.
- - - [Town] of Petersham, meet, they come
into spirited measures , resolve, &c, respecting their Grievances,
Rights, &c. 218.
- - - [Town] of Dedham, their proceedings on
the same. Ibid.
- - - [Town] of Marlborough , meet, their
proceedings respecting the same: resolve, &c. 222.
- - - [Town] of Westford, their proceedings
on the same. Ibid.
- - - [Town] of Newton, their pro- ceedings on the same. 228.
- - - [Town] of South Hadley, meet their
proceedings on the same. 237.
- - - [Town] of Gorham, meet on the same,
their proceedings. Ib.
- - - [Town] of Sheffield, their proceedings
on the same. 238.
- - - [Town] of Lunenburge[Lunenburg] , their proceedings, resolves, &c, on the same.
- - - [Town] of Attleborough, their
proceedings, &c, on the same. 267.
- - - [Town] of Princetown[Princeton] , their proceedings on the same. 270.
- - - [Town] of Danvers,their proceedings,
&c, on the same. 271.
- - - [Town] of Woburne[Woburn] , their Letter to the Committee of
Correspondence acknowledge the receipt of the proceedings of the
Town of Boston, &c. Ibid.
See Up.
Town of Montague, their proceedings respecting their grievan- ces , &c. 301.
- - - [Town] of Townsend, their proceedings
respecting the same &c. 330.
- - - [Town] of Westbo- rough[Westborough] , their proceedings on the same . 331.
- - - [Town] of Rutland, their proceedings
on the same