Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay,
resolve on the dependancy of the Judges on the King for their pay,
&c, declare they ought to be impeached, &c, 318.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their message to the Govr. because he declined to pass Bills, as the dates &c,
were in English. 321.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their reply to the Govr. Speech, justify,
their choosing Committees
of Correspondence, &c. 449.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their proceedings against Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] , for taking his pay from the King. Ibid.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] a List of their names who voted pro,
& Con. Ib.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] they remonstrate to the Govr , & Council, against Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] , for taking his pay from the King. vid the remonst- rance . 452.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] they, and the Council re- solve to adjourn the Superior Court, which the Govr. will not assent to. 453.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their Message to the Council, respecting
Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] 's taking his pay from the King. Ib.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their petition to the Govr. praying him to remove Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] : the whole House wait on him. Ib.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] Impeach Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] . 455,458,459.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] a List of those who voted pro, & Con.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] number of, who make a quorum. Ib.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] order the Secretary to lay before them, a
list of civil Officers Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] has appoint
Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay,
their reply to the Govr. Message, on his not laying before the Council, their
impeach- ment of Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] : they determine that the Governor and Council are a Judi- cial Court, &c, 464.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] Lock their door, 'till they have Finished their business, & pass a resolve
respecting their proceed- ings relative to Judge Oliver[Andrew Oliver] , previous to the Courts being prorogued. Ibid.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their petition to the King for the
removal of Govr.Hutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , & dismist , and treated with great contempt. 487,488.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their Answer to Govr. Gage[Thomas Gage] 's Speech, complain of being re- moved to Salem, &c, 513.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] their proceedings and Resolves on a
Continental Congress (choose 5 Members:) on the Port Act: recom- mend to the inhabitants to raise money to defrey the Charges of the
Members of the Congress: and to purchase no English Goods, &c,
&c, 517,523.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] meet at Salem, the Govr. refuses to treat with them: they resolve, and immediately turn them- selves into a Provincial Congress, &c, 591.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] resolve, to Anul a vote of the Provincial Congress, respecting the not
vending English Goods, &c, 812.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] resolve, to grant liberty to those
Vessels not in Commiso. to take Prizes, &c, 841.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] they resolve to encourage the making Salt
Petre. 845.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] they resolve to encourage the Making Fire
Arms. Ibid.
- - - [Representatives of the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, ] resolve Congress declares inde- pendancy , that ye inhabitants ought not to declare they will support it with yr. lives, &c. 936.