Resolves of the Town of Marlborough, respecting
their Rights, and Grievances, &c, 222.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Newton, on
the same. 228.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Gorham, on
the same. 237.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Shef- field[Sheffield] on the same, &c. 238.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Lunen- burge[Lunenburg] , on the same, &c. 260.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Dan- vers[Danvers] , on the same, 271.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Lancaster,
&c. 291.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Town- send[Townsend] , on the same, &c. 330.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Rut- land[Rutland] , on the same. 338.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Hold- en[Holden] , on the same, &c. 342.
- - - [Resolves ] of Berkshire County, on
American Grievances. 536.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Fair- fax[Fairfax] , in Virginia, on the same. 545.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Rich- mond[Richmond] , in Virginia, on the same. 547.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Wor- cester[Worcester] , on the same. 562,575.587.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Mid- dlesex[Middlesex] , on the same, by their Deputies. 574.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Country of Suf- folk[Suffolk]p their Deputies, on the same, &c, 576.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Es- sex[Essex]p the Delegates, on the same, &c, 579.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Bris- tol[Bristol] , on the same, &c, 584.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Hamp- shire[Hampshire] , on the same. 590.
See Up.
Resolves of the Town of Fairfield, on the American
Grievances, 590.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of Ply- mouth[Plymouth] , on the same. 591.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County
of Barnstable, on the same, &c. 619.
- - - [Resolves ] of the County of York, in
congress, on the same. 623.
- - - [Resolves ] of
Virginia Representatives, on thier Grievances: choose a
Committee of Corres- pondence , &c. 272,567,568.
- - - [Resolves ] that the (Colonies, say) Congress,
declare independancy. 958.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Council of the Province of M. Bay, respect- ingHutchinson[Thomas Hutchinson] , & Oliver[Andrew Oliver] s Letters. 313,314
- - - [Resolves ] of Connecti cut[Connecticut] Representatives, to adopt the Measures of
Virginia Representatives for a Union, and choose a
Committee of Correspondence. 308.
- - - [Resolves ] on the Grievances of
America: the Boston Port Bill,
&c. &c. 519.
- - - [Resolves ] that Boston ought to be
supported, &c. 603.700.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Boston,
respecting the resignation of the Tea Factors. 391.
- - - [Resolves ] of the inhabitants of
Boston, and the Country Towns, respecting the
East India Company's Tea, &c. 407.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Cam- bridge[Cambridge] , on the same. 403.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Brook- lyn[Brooklyn] , on the same. 409.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Town of Roxbury, on
the same. Ibid.