Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, vid, page 47, & State of Massachusetts
Bay, Assemb- ly & Congress Provincial, &c [s-shape reference mark]
Regulators, the remains of them in North Carolina, submit
to Justice, &c, 73.
Rhode Island People burn the Kings Schooner
Gaspee, 97,101.
- - - [Rhode Island] news of it arrives in England. 173
- - - [Rhode Island] Commissioners appoint to enquire into the burning of it;
sail; and Ac- count of the Judges, &c, relative to that affair. 202.
- - - [Rhode Island] (a) remove Guns from ye Forts, &c. 632.
- - - [Rhode Island] House of Re- presentatives , adpot the measures recommendd. by the Virginia House: choose a Committee of
Correspondence. 290.
- - - [Rhode Island] passa Militia Act: vote Members for a Continental
Congress did; vote to purchase a large quantity of Ammunition. 634.
- - - [Rhode Island] pass an Act; renouncing the Kings Name in all Processes,
&c, 939.
- - - [Rhode Island] their proceedings, and Resolves respecting the
Boston Port Act: &c vote, and choose members for a
Congress, &c, 517. See State of
Rhode Island.
Resolve's of the Representa. of the Massachusetts Bay, on Govr.Hut- chinson[Hutchinson] 's Independancy, resolve by his being independant,
that he is not a Govr.agreable to the Charter, &c, &c. 112.
- - - [Resolve's ] against the declaratory Act, and the
Judges taking their pay from the King: say if they take it, they are ene- mies to their Country, &c, &c. 251.
- - - [Resolves ] to choose Members for a Continental
Congress: on the Bos- ton[Boston] Port Bill, &c, &c, 517,522.
- - - [Resolves ] when they turned themselves into a
Provincial Congress*. 591.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Provin- cial Congress of the Massa- chusetts[Massachusetts] Bay, that no money be pd to the Provincial Treasurer &c, 595.
- - - [Resolves ] Against the Man- damus Councellors: against Tea: and recommending a Thanksgiving.
- - - [Resolves ] that the Province ought to be put in a
posture of defence: recommend to choose new Officers, a non
importation agreement order the Province Money to be pd. their new Treasurer, &c. 604.
- - - [Resolves ] to thank those who made donations to
Boston, 624.
- - - [Resolves ] to choose New Members for the
Continental Congress: to come into regulations to inforce the
agreements of the Continent- al Congress, &c 627.
- - - [Resolves ] of the same, ex- planing the agreement of the Cont- inental Congress: and to inforce it: with the reasons why they adjournd. and why they disolve, recommend the choice of New Members.