A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

John Winthrop to Margaret Winthrop1
Winthrop, John Winthrop, Margaret


My deare wife,

I receiued thy most louinge and wellcome Lettre, and doe heartyly reioyce and blesse our heauenly father, acknowledging his most gratious prouidence, and great Loue towards vs, as in all other thinges, so in this mercy, in bringinge thee home in saftye, and preseruinge all our family in peace to thy comminge: we see how faithfull and true he is in all his promises, o that we could make vse of all our experience to relye more vpon him, and cast our owne cares vpon him, caringe onely to please and serue him: I am sorrye for Amye her sicknesse,2 but praysed be God, who hath disposed so well of it, that the trouble is fallen in our owne howse, for it would haue been far more burdensome and inconuenient if it had fallen 65heer: I doubt not of thy care of her, that she may want neither meanes nor attendance, and I trust the Lord will restore her againe in due tyme.

I prayse the Lord, I am now growne indifferent well,3 and doe gather strength daylye, and doe hope (through his mercy) we shall haue a happy meetinge ere longe, for which, and for the continuance of all other blessinges (especially those which concerne the good of our soules) let vs be constant in prayer, and in a carefull endeauor to walke in all well pleasinge before him. remember my duty to my good mother, my blessinge to all our children, and kinde salutacions to all our freinds particularly at Groton hall and to mr. Leigh,4 thanke him for his kind and Christian Lettre: our freindes heer are all in health and desire to be remembered to you all. for newes I referre you to my neighbour Newton: we haue receiued all the thinges you sent, my sister and my self thanke thee for them. I will followe thy counsell, and rest in thy Loue for as kinde acceptance of these, as thy pretye sweet short Lettre had with me, so I kisse my sweet wife and rest, commend thee and all ours to our most mercifull Lord and heauenly father in Christ, so I kisse my sweet wife and rest Thy faithfull husband

Jo: Winthrop London, January 22, 1628–29.

W. 1. 44; L. and L. , I. 282–283; Twichell, Puritan Love-Letters , 93–94.


See Vol. I. 413.


On the following day, Friday, January 23, the opening of Hilary term, we find Winthrop attending to his law business as usual. Infra p. 32; see Vol. I. 413.


William Leigh, rector of Groton. Vol. I. 339, note 36 340, note 3 .