A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Papers of the Winthrop Family, Volume 2

Miles Burroughs to John Winthrop1
Burroughs, Miles Winthrop, John


To the Worshipfull my very good Freinde Mr. Wintrop Esquire at Mr. Downings house at the signe of the bishop ouer against Fleet Conduit deliuer these in London.
Good Mr. Wintrop.

I Received a letter From your man with a box with an Iniunction for Mrs. Coppin,2 which I haue procured this bearer Roger Barnes, to serue on her, who hath payd to the vse of Elizabeth Cox the wards mother .5. li. for .3. quarters of a yeare endinge at michaelmas last, and pretendinge want of present money desires to stay the other quarters exhibition which is already due last Christide till the next quarter; I hope she will then pay it, but if not that she shold then refuse, I hope yow cold then procure an atachment for her, if need be;


I haue retorned the Iniunction with the seale in the box together with .27. s. 6 d. which is the full for that yow haue disbursed, and what your Fees are, I shall apoynt yow when I vnderstande what they are, and of any other charge, (with many thanks,) which I desire to be certified of. Mr. Pitts remembers his service to yow, and bid me aske yow, if we shall not haue the Order to keepe which was taken out agayne instead of that, that before was lost. Mr. Pitts wrote the Coppy of the Iniunction to leave with Mrs. Coppin, but this I desire yow take notice of, that in this returned Iniunction the name of the Kings ward is mistaken, he is called in it, George, but his name is William, which error I thought to be Lapsus Calami therefore in the Coppy left with Mrs. Coppin, it was made William instead of George. I pray, if there may be feare that it may be any way preiudiciall to the continuance of the payment, (if after wardes it might be seene by her counsell vpon record) that yow wold take such care for it, as yow in your wisdome thinke fitt. Thus with many thanks for your greate care, remembring mine and my wiues service to yow, I take my leave, commendinge yow and all your godly affayrs to godes wise blessinge. Restinge Your worships to be comanded

seal Myles Burroughe.3 Bury. Jan. 27. 1628–29.

W. 1. 45.


For the award of this injunction “vppon the mocion of Mr. Winthrop attorney for Eliz: Coxe mother of George William Coppin his Maiesties warde,” see Robinson, John Winthrop as Attorney, 19.


March 21, 1627–28, “Milles Borowes widdour” married “Mary Cox widdow by licences.” Bury St. Edmunds, St. James Parish Registers, Marriages (Suffolk Green Books, XVII), 29.